The English language, influence and colonisation

When we think of a country, we think about the food, language, popular tourist attractions, and lifestyle they have. Upon discussions with people, watching television series, movies and reading about these places, I have noticed several cultural differences between India (where I live) and abroad countries. One of the major differences I have personally noticed is language and its role in society. It's obvious that there will be major differences in language. It changes according to the country or the region it's located in. For example, people in France speak French and the people in Japan speak Japanese. However, there is another difference and that is the role and impact the native language/dialect has on the people. 

People in Korea speak Korean primarily. They mostly study in Korean-medium schools, use it in their workplace, in their homes, it's also the language they personally prefer. In India, it's quite the opposite. Many students and their guardians prefer English medium schools over their regional language. professional workplaces tend to use English for formal communication, and even road signs have English in them! Comparative to many other countries that don't natively speak this language, English is the most popular in India. There is also this common conception that to leave a successful and comfortable life, you must be able to speak English in this country. If we look back several decades, Until 1947, India was colonised by the British for 190 years! It is believed that the colonisation of the British is what pushed English to be one of the primary languages in this country and several scholars agree with it.

"To what extent a period of British colonisation has affected the importance of the English language in India"

Here comes a knowledge question.  As I tried to answer it, I turned to google for some expertise and was instantly caught in a whirlpool of articles, research papers and interviews/speeches on topics similar to this. People who aspired to acquire jobs of a higher degree had to learn English. The former secretary at War of Great Britain Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay was one of the colonisers that advocated towards introducing western concepts and English into India. He had the vision to build a community of Indians that spoke, behaved and lived like the British. He tried to spread his idea so far that he even authored a book titled "Macaulay's minute" where he presented his argument in an attempt to bring forth change. 

His attempts were a success and revolutionised the importance of English. To get on the good side and live a comfortable wealthy life, it was inevitable that Indians had to let western influences into their lives. Some evolved forms of the practice continued for years and into the present. Even when I speak my mother tongue Telugu at home, I end up using some English words in my speech. I study at an English medium school and spend most of my day speaking English to my teachers and fellow classmates. A 200-year colonisation has influenced our lifestyle and we're living proof of it.


  1. Heyy, i just read your article on english colonisation and firstly may I say HOW MUCH I LOVE YOUR LANGUAGE 😩
    The entire article was so well put together, and it spit facts throughout πŸ’–
    Our medium of language being english can be seen by How wonderfully this article was written
    Overall loved itπŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  2. Heyy way to go ! Superb ! Great job

  3. This is awesome! Such a well written piece of work

  4. A nice synopsis. Shows how English has dominated our lives even after independence.


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